Being a homeschool mom is a calling. God will be there every step of the way when you follow his calling. When you are following God’s call on your life, though, Satan will not be pleased. He is bound to go on the attack and you need to be prepared! Proactively pray for your homeschool. Pray for these four aspects of your life as a homeschool mom.
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Pray for Yourself
Homeschooling is a blessing. We get to be there for all the ‘aha’ moments and spend some amazing quality time with our kids. Homeschooling can also be hard sometimes. There are days when it feels like a heavy weight dragging us down. Before you start each day, pray for yourself as a homeschool mom.
Pray for Wisdom
You’re going to have a lot of choices to make as a homeschool mom. What curriculum should you use? Co-op or no co-op? You want to make good decisions and to do that you need wisdom! The good news is that God promises to give us wisdom if we ask. Pray and ask God to show you what’s right for your family.
Pray for a Peaceful Spirit
Nobody can shake your peace like your children. I swear they are born with an innate knowledge of where your buttons are and the worst times to push them! Can I get an amen!?! It’s not that we don’t love our kids, it’s just that they make us a little crazy sometimes. That makes it way too easy to lose our cool. Do yourself (and your family) a favor and pray for God to give you a peaceful spirit!
Pray for Patience
Have you ever tried to teach long division? If you have, then you probably know what patience is! : ) Seriously though, homeschooling takes patience. First, because parenting in general takes patience. Training a child to become a functioning adult doesn’t happen overnight. Second, because taking a gentle approach and avoiding pushing is important. If you push too hard you could hurt their love of learning and that’s definitely not what you want! Pray now and ask God to give you the patience to go at your child’s pace!
Pray for Your Marriage
A healthy marriage sets a strong foundation for your family and your homeschool. Conflict in your marriage will nearly always spill over into your homeschooling. Don’t let your marriage falter without fighting for it, and don’t try to fix it on your own. Pray for your marriage!
Pray for Passion
We’re going to slip into some PG-13 territory for a minute. We homeschool moms spend all day with tiny humans sitting on our laps, getting in our faces, and climbing all over us. When our husbands get home, the last thing we want is to be touched by yet another person. Throw in stress and exhaustion and our desire can be driven right into oblivion. That’s why praying for passion is so important. Ask God to give you and your husband a burning desire for each other. Not just for sex, either. You need a passionate love, romance, and friendship, too.
Pray for Compassion
Marriage is wonderful, and amazing, and sometimes just plain hard. Conflict is going to happen. There will be tension at times. Sometimes you might even downright annoy each other! Praying for a compassionate heart will help to ease conflict. Pray for God to help you see your husband the way He does.
Pray for Unity
Presenting a united front is a vital part of parenting. The thing is, you can’t just be putting on a show. Kids can see right through that! You need to actually have unity with your husband. How do you want to discipline your kids? Will you homeschool for the long term? These are important issues that you NEED to agree on! Pray that God brings you and your husband together on the same page, and that it’s the page God would have you on!
Pray for Your Children
God put these kids in your family for a reason. He wants YOU to be the one to point your children toward Him. You’re the one He chose to guide them on life’s journey. Pray hard that your parenting leads them to God instead of pushes them away.
Pray for Health
Remember what I said about Satan’s attacks? For us that often seems to come in the form of health issues. Some years it’s been a string of random injuries, other’s it’s been one bug after another. Pray over your children for their health and safety. This n’t about living in fear of your kids getting hurt and sick. It’s asking and trusting God to put a hedge of protection around them.
Pray for Teachable Spirits
You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Kids have to be willing participants for learning to happen. Pray for your kids to have teachable spirits. Ask that their hearts and minds would be willing to learn and accept correction!
Pray for Passion
Raise your hand if you want your children to have a future that they love. All of you raised your hands, right? We all want our kids to have a fulfilling life, following God’s will with all their hearts. Pray first for them to find a passion for God. Then, pray for them to find a passion that will set the course for their futures, and for the wisdom to know how to support those dreams.
Pray for Provision
If God called you to be a homeschool mom, is he really going to leave you floundering on your own? No! Of course not! Pray and ask for God to provide for your needs, whatever they may be. There are a few things that are specifically helpful to pray for.
Pray for Curriculum
Choosing a curriculum has a lot of factors. You want something that’s a good fit for your family, but also something you can afford. Ask God to point you to the right curriculum. Pray that He will provide you with the financial means to get what is best for your family.
Pray for Opportunities
As a homeschool mom you probably want to allow your children to explore their interests. You want your budding Monet to take art classes and your future engineer to join a robotics team. Those require access and money. Pray that God will guide you to the right opportunities and open doors to make them work.
Pray for Mentors
We are not meant to walk through life alone. Godly mentors are there to guide us through the good times and the bad. They’re the people who can help guide your teens as they follow their talents and talk you off the edge when you feel like giving up! Pray for God to provide the right mentor for each member of your family.
Be a Praying Homeschool Mom
When troubles come (and make no mistake about it, they will come), it’s easy to give in to worry. Our instinct is usually to try to fix things on our own. We want to be the ‘supermom‘ that we think we see in others. Don’t do it! Turn to God and pray for your homeschool.
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