DIY Diaper Rash Cream

DIY Diaper Rash cream... super effective and great for babies with sensitive skin
Copyright: famveldman / 123RF Stock Photo


When I was pregnant with my first child I was given a large tube of Desitin at my shower.  When my sevond baby was born I still had that large tube of Desitin, almost completely untouched.  I think between the two of them they had diaper rash about three times total.  I really didn’t understand all the hubbub about rashes and creams.  Then I had my third child.

I swear to you Milo has been an adventure since day one.  I thought I knew it all after two kids but boy was I wrong!  This child had the most sensitive skin I had ever seen!  He had eczema, frequent diaper rashes, and nearly every product with chemicals in existence irritated his skin.  Even organic baby products designed for those with sensitive skin would cause him to break out in a rash.  That presented a problem when it came to diaper rashes, because diaper rash cream had chemicals, so I would take skin that was already broken out in a rash and put something on it that would cause a rash.  Yeah, that was a no-go.  It clearly defeated the purpose, but I had to find something to help with his frequent rashes.

A friend suggested coconut oil, which was a big help but a bit of a pain to deal with getting a jar from the kitchen and trying to scrape some of the hard oil out during each diaper change.  Another friend suggested essential oils, but it was a pain to have to get the bottle out and dilute them, then get a liquid spread on (without creating a giant mess) during each diaper change.  One night I was stumbling my way through Pinterest  and saw a post somewhere about whipping coconut oil to make it into a softer lotion and an idea sparked.  I could make my own diaper rash cream!  One without all the harsh chemicals that would irritate my son’s skin.  With that this ‘recipe’ for DIY diaper rash cream was born.

[Tweet “#DIY #diaperrash cream with just 2 simple ingredients #motherhood #newborn #babycare”]

Y’all, it almost feels silly to write this up because it is SO easy to make.  You will need two ingredients and two pieces of ‘equipment’.  Here is what you need.


*2/3 cup solid coconut oil (unrefined preferred)

*10 drops lavender essential oil (be sure to buy a good quality brand, there are many out there)

*A mixer (hand-held and stand mixer will both work here)

*Small storage container (tupperware, Gladware, something like that)

  1. Put coconut oil and essential oil in mixing bowl.
  2. Turn on mixer and whip until coconut oil is soft and fluffy.
  3. Transfer the mixture to the storage container of your choice.


That’s seriously it guys.  It’s really that easy.  Now you have a great diaper rash cream that is gentle on your baby’s skin.  It also works fabulously as a general moisturizing lotion.  My suggestion, though, is to keep a small container set aside strictly for diaper changes and then a larger one to use as lotion.  Something about using the same container of lotion on my arms that I used on my baby’s butt kind of grosses me out, so I prefer to keep them separate.  You may not share in my weird issues, though (I could seriously write on the book on the random things that gross me out), so do whatever works best for you.

Are there any baby care items that you choose to make instead of buy?  Share them with us here in the comments!

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